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The Partners
Open System for Road Information Support:
  • EU-funded GROWTH project
  • 01/02/2000 - 31/01/2003
  • Five partners from four EU-countries
  • Three industrials, one research centre, one university
  • Complementary skills and business fields
The partners and their role in detail:
Laboratoire Central de Ponts et Chaussées, LCPC :
Research on intelligent sensors and data models, expertise in road construction and maintenance, tests of subsystems.
Mobile Automation GmbH, MOBA :
Development of Intelligent sensors and on board communication, exploitation of on-machine hard- and software.
SKANSKA Sverige AB :
Contractor and owner requirement specifications, full scale worksite tests, worksite validation
Development of Product Model, Work Site Web, On Site Design, Work Documentation, exploitation of off-machine software.
University of Karlsruhe, IMB:
Project Coordination, Development of Mobile Services, On board Computers and Setting Out Aid.
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