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System Components
Road Design (RD)
adaptation of a software tool for road design, compliant with OSYRIS, with export/import functions, improved flexibility.
On-site Design Viewer (OD)
A "light version" of the Road Design software, to be used on-site without a database connection, in order to make the design annotations, small corrections and adjustments, and take into account the work performed. Moreover it can be used as a pre-design tool for contracting purposes (calculated estimates for mass-transfer and construction material consumption).
Work Documentation (WD)
An application to display information and provide documentation needed for checking the quality and work achieved.
Worksite Web (WW)
An internal web service in order to allow a user on a worksite or in a distant office (e.g. a contractors work-site headquarter) to consult the project data and perform operations on them.
On-board Computer (OC)
A specialised computer providing a man-machine interface for the operator, maintaining the on-board database, communicating with the Product Model, Measurement System and positioning. (hardware + software).
Setting-out (SO)
A surveying aid for setting-out, providing support for quick and easy capturing of the existing road geometry.
Paver Measurement System (PMS)
A set of intelligent sensors, algorithms and interfaces to control the paving process, supply the operator with real-time information and deliver data for quality documentation of the road. It consists of:
  • Measurement and control of the layer thickness
  • Measurement and control of surface evenness
  • Measurement and control of the layer width
  • Temperature measurement
  • Volume measurement
  • Pre-compaction measurement
  • On-board communication
Compactor Measurement System (CMS)
To support the compaction process by evaluating the grade of the asphalt compaction in real-time and produce the data for quality documentation of the road (sensors + knowledge base + expert system).
The following component is mentioned separately, since it composes a framework for data model and data exchange for all the above listed components.
Mobile Services (MS)
Provides means of communication among components of the system
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